Skill-Building Workshops for Changemakers

AMP Action Lab is a skill-building program for young changemakers interested in building and refining actionable skills around social action, advocacy, and leadership at the local and global level.


Systems Thinking and Complex Problem-Solving

To truly solve our 21st century global challenges in an effective, meaningful, and long-lasting way; we must understand the complexity and connectedness of systemic issues that are not so easily solved. Like this, this module aims to unearth the root causes of persisting problems by equipping participants with a range of systems thinking tools that map out how systems are designed by our attitudes, manifested by our behaviors, and reinforced by our relationships – all with the aim of transforming them.

Diversity and Inclusion

Advocacy and organizing is often about building power in our local-global communities, but in order to do this we must first understand the nature of power in all its forms and how it interacts with people’s identities. In this module, concepts such as; prejudice, power, and privilege are deconstructed as we introduce an anti-oppressive, intersectional approach to designing and delivering social action in order to build power that is equitable and inclusive of those who need it the most.


Strategic Planning for Social Action

Launching a project and campaign no matter how big or small requires thoughtful and deliberate planning and execution, whether it is an advocacy, social media, or crowdfunding campaign. This module takes an in-depth look at strategy vs. tactics, types of power, and also stakeholder analysis, mapping, and engagement in order to understand how to plan a SMART-bound theory of change that will create the kind of impact that participants want to see.

Articulating your Vision, Values, and Voice

The key to any effective social action is that people know about it. In the age of the digital media, communications has never been more creative, competitive, and therefore strategic. This module looks at different types of awareness-raising and outreach as well as how to successfully deploy storytelling tactics to emotively, resonantly, and compellingly hold your audience’s attention and allyship. Full of tips, tricks, and techniques, participants will be trained in how to amplify their visions, values, and voices for a change-making that attracts, engages, and influences.


Empathy and Dialogue

Empathy and Dialogue is a module which takes participants on a journey relating to ‘the other’. This personal and interpersonal journey requires the changemaker to suspend assumptions, biases, and judgement in order to better understand the mindset of collaborators, beneficiaries, and target stakeholders. However, the ultimate learning objective of this module is not to arrive at any figurative destination of empathetic dialogue, but rather, to experientially understand the challenges of true empathy and dialogue when navigating the complex myriad of wants, needs, and challenges that make up the daily lived experiences of those around us.

2020 Program Dates

2020 dates and locations will be announced shortly. Please check back soon!

Session #1

Session #2

Session #3

Session #4