We are so proud to share our Impact Report for the last two years, highlighting the incredible successes of our programs and youth leadership. Check out the full report here (AMP Impact Report 2020-22), and find highlights below.

Dear Friends and Partners:

We are at a turning point, as a global community, a generation, and an organization. Youth are ready to rise to the challenge.

The past three years have been a time of tremendous uncertainty for our global community, but also of deep examination and growth. COVID-19 has exposed the many stressors to our current system, from food insecurity to healthcare access. Combined with the extreme political polarization worldwide, the rampaging impacts of climate change, and the profound new threats to global security, our world feels like it is in crisis. But with fire comes new growth, and now is our time to re-imagine and design what can be.

Youth inherit these challenges — and opportunities — at a pivotal time in their own lives. The late teens and early twenties are a powerful, transformational period for a young person, during which their worldview expands and sets. The experiences they have now will shape their skills, interest and ability to do the work we so desperately need moving

AMP Global Youth was founded to equip youth and uplift their voices during a similar time of upheaval: 9/11. Our call to action is as clear and urgent now as it was then. Now and always, we urgently need the bold vision and creative energy of youth to lead our world forward.
The challenge is upon us. As we look back at the tremendous impact we have had in recent years, we also look towards the difficult but important road ahead with eager anticipation of what can be. We welcome you to join us on this mission to uplift the voices and power of youth.

With appreciation,

Aris Hines and Karen Showalter

Check out our amazing impact here: AMP Impact Report 2020-22